Your Information
Borough Road & Nunthorpe Medical Group takes the security of your information very seriously and to support your right to be informed about the way in which we use, share and store your personal information please see our Privacy Notice below.
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General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection (GPDPR)
GP Data for Planning and Research data collection (GPDPR), what is this?.
Patient data from GP medical records is used every day to improve health, care and services through planning and research, helping to find better treatments and improve patient care. The NHS is introducing the GPDPR data collection to support this.
NHS Digital will collect, analyse, publish and share patient data to improve health and care services for everyone.
The data collection will provide a comprehensive and frequent extract of patient level and linkable data from the GP system suppliers. All identifiable data items will be pseudonymised (de-identified) by the GP system suppliers and flow to the NHS Digital’s Data Processing Services (DPS). Once the pseudonymised data lands in DPS it is stored securely. All data is transmitted and stored in encrypted form.
The NHS Digital Privacy Notice on the GPDPR is available here:
This sets out more detail and sets out the legal basis for the data collection.
Your Data Matters to the NHS
Information about your health and care helps the NHS to improve individual care, speed up diagnosis, plan local services and research new treatments.
In May 2018, strict rules about how this data can and cannot be used were strengthened. The NHS is committed to keeping patient information safe and always being clear about how it is used.
You can choose whether your confidential patient information is used for research and planning. To find out more visit