Appointments and Administrative requests
eConsult - contact your GP online
eConsult is now the main way to ask us for medical advice or administrative help (such as an extension to a sick note or for test results). Please only contact the surgery by telephone if you have an urgent problem or if you are unable to use eConsult or do not have access to eConsult via the internet.
We hope that this will reduce the number of incoming telephone calls helping us to keep the telephone lines clear for the elderley and vulnerable.
eConsult is available from 7.45am - 4pm Monday - Friday only (excluding bank holidays).
If we receive an exceptionally high volume of eConsults before 4pm the service may be switched off until 7.45am the next working day. This is necessary to ensure we can safely deal with the requests that have already been received.
How to make an appointment
Via eConsult
eConsult is now the main way to ask us for medical advice or administrative help (such as an extension to a sick note or for test results). Please only contact the surgery by telephone if you have an urgent problem or if you are unable to use eConsult or do not have access to eConsult via the internet. All requests for medical advice will be reviewed by a GP.
We hope that this will reduce the number of incoming telephone calls helping us to keep the telephone lines clear for the elderley and vulnerable.
eConsult is available from 7.45am - 4pm Monday - Friday only (excluding bank holidays).
If we receive an exceptionally high volume of eConsults before 4pm the service may be switched off until 7.45 am the next working day. This is necessary to ensure we can safely deal with the requests that have already been received.
You do not need to register for this service just click on the get started button in the bright blue box above and follow the instructions.
Via Online Services
We would strongly recommend downloading the NHS app or SystmOnline – TPP ( to your computer, tablet or smartphone. Using online services means you can book selected appointments online, order your repeat medication and view parts of your medical record including test results. Viewing your test results online may save a telephone call to the practice. If you would like further information or need help to register please speak to a member of our reception team.
Via Telephone
- If you are unable to use our online service eConsult a member of our admin team will be available to help Call Borough Road surgery on 01642 243668 or Nunthorpe surgery on 01642 315390 , telephone lines are open between 8am - 6pm Monday - Friday.
- If you require medical advice a member of our admin team will complete an eConsult health questionaure with you over the telephone. We will ask for your name and a few details about the reason for your call, such as the symptoms you are experiencing. The information you provide will be reviewed by a doctor. The doctor will decide who is the most appropriate healthcare professional to help you and how soon you need to be seen. Please provide as much information as you can to help us to prioritise your care.
- We can only see one problem per appointment, you will need to request more than one appointment if you have more than one problem. Please make our reception team aware of this should this be required.
- Please let the reception team know if you would like to be seen face to face. Studies show that up to 60% of GP appointments can be managed with telephone advice but not all problems are appropriate for telephone advice, providing us with a few details about your problem will help us to determine this.
- We value continuity of your care. Please ask the reception team to book you in with the same clinician if routine follow up care is needed. If your problem is more urgent or you have a new problem you may be asked to see another clinician. This will help us to get you seen as soon as possible.
- If you would like a telephone call back between a certain time, tell us and we will try our best to arrange this where possible.
- During a telephone consultation, you will be asked further questions. If the doctor feels that you need to come into the surgery to be seen face to face, an appointment will be made for you.
- Please remember that all calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
Via Face to Face ( in person)
If you are unable to use our online service eConsult, during our usual opening hours come into the surgery in person to request an appointment. If you require medical advice a member of our admin team will ask you to complete an eConsult health questionaire. The information you provide will be reviewed by a doctor. The doctor will use this information to decide who is the most appropriate healthcare professional to help you and how soon you need an appointment. Please provide as much information as you can to help us to prioritise your care.
Please remember to visit your local pharmacy first for advice on minor health concerns
Find a Pharmacy – Find a pharmacy near you and how it can help you
Missed Appointments
The Practice understands that individuals' circumstances change sometimes making it difficult to attend a booked appointment.
It you know that you are unable to attend an appointment it is extremely important that you contact the surgery to cancel (and re-arrange if necessary).
The appointment will be made available to another patient.
If you do not cancel your appointment this time will be wasted, meaning patients just like yourself will have to wait longer for the care they need. Appointments are in extremly high demand please cancel all that you are unable to attend.
You can book and cancel appointments online. If you have already registered for online services, click here for online access (opens a new window).
If you would like to register to use online services, please read the Online services page by clicking here.
You can also cancel appointments by leaving a message on our telephone system. Please call the surgery on the usual number and select option 1 ( To book or cancel an appointment). Please follow the voice instructions to leave your cancellation details.
Enhanced Access and Urgent Care Services
Enhanced Access Appointments
Patients of Borough Road & Nunthorpe Medical Group have access to appointments during an enhanced access period. Appointments are available during the hours of :
6 pm - 9 pm Monday - Friday ( Excluding bank holidays)
9 am - 5 pm Saturday
The appointments are delivered from Park Surgery in Middlesbrough.
Park Surgery, One Life Medical Centre, Linthorpe Rd, Middlesbrough, TS1 3QY
When you contact the surgery to request an appointment a member of our reception team may offer you an appointment in the enhanced access period. You may also request an appointment during these times should this be more convenient for you. GP, Nurse Practitioner and Practice Nurse appointments are available.
Need urgent medical advice when your GP surgery is closed ?
If you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do on weekdays when the surgery is closed, during weekends or on Bank Holidays – NHS 111 can help you to access the care you need.
For children under 5 call 111 (telephone 111)
For people aged 5 and over go to or telephone 111.
If you require emergency medical care and are in a life threatening situation please call 999 (Dial 999)
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you of this and reminding you of your responsibilities to cancel all appointments you are unable to attend. Persistent defaulters may be removed from the list and asked to register with a new GP practice.
You do not always need to speak to the practice to cancel a booked appointment. If you have access to online services you may cancel your appointment in this way. You also have the option of leaving a voice message on the appointment cancellation telephone line. Please call the practice on the usual telephone number and listen carefully to the available options. The option to book or cancel appointment is option 1 on the menu.
Punctuality and Late Running Surgeries
We have a self-check in machine in the waiting room. When you arrive, if you are able to, please check yourself in so the clinician knows that you are waiting. If you are unsure about using this machine, please ask a member of the reception team for support.
We offer a 10 minute appointment system and the most pressing or urgent issues will always be dealt with first. If you have more than one problem and have only booked one appointment, it’s best to come back another day. This helps keep us on time and allows more patients to access our care. The doctor may ask you to arrange a follow up appointment if it it not possible to deal with all your problems at one appointment.
Our commitment to you is to always start our surgeries on time. Inevitably there are some instances where a patient may have a particular need which requires more of the doctor’s time. These situations cannot be rushed and the doctor may end up running late.
We really do appreciate your understanding and tolerance when this happens. If you cannot wait then please let our reception know. It may be that you can rebook another appointment, or the doctor may be able to call you back later.
If you arrive late for your appointment we will always try our best to see you however this may not always be possible. If the clinician is unable to see you as a late arrival you may be asked to make a new appointment.
If you require an interpreter to attend an appointment with you please notify a member of our reception team who will arrange this for you.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments. We may also use this service to inform you about important practice information and the clinical team may use this to contact you. We would never disclose sensitive personal medical information via text message.
To register for this service please ask a member of our reception team to record your consent in your medical records.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address. It is very important that we can contact you when we need to. Please select the update your contact details option from the home screen to let us know about any changes to your personal details.
Home Visits
If possible please try to telephone reception before 10:30am if you require a home visit.
You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too seriously unwell to visit the practice. Your GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed.
You can be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.
Chaperone Policy
Borough Road & Nunthorpe Medical Group is committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment where patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times and the safety of everyone is of paramount importance.
All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any consultation, examination or procedure where they feel one is required. A formal chaperone may be a practice nurse or health care assistant.
Wherever possible we would ask you to make this request at the time of booking appointment so that arrangements can be made and your appointment is not delayed in any way. Where this is not possible we will endeavour to provide a formal chaperone at the time of request. However, occasionally it may be necessary to reschedule your appointment.
Your healthcare professional may also require a chaperone to be present for certain consultations in accordance with our chaperone policy.
Annual Review Appointments
Every year patients with chronic diseases are invited to attend an annual review appointment. Your review is an opportunity to check that you are getting the best care you need, and it is also a chance to have any questions answered, and to discuss any worries or concerns you may have. Even if you feel healthy, a regular review of your chronic disease is important, we can discuss new options and changing circumstances. We want to provide you with the best possible care, please help us to do this by attending for your annual review. We look forward to seeing you.
A member of our administration team will contact you to arrange your annual review appointment.
GP Training
Our practice is involved in teaching of GP Registrars and 3rd and 5th Year Medical Students from Newcastle University.
GP registrars are fully qualified doctors completing additional GP training.
When arranging an appointment you may be asked if you give your consent for a student to be present during your consultation.
The students that spend time in our practice are fully aware of the importance of confidentiality, however if you do not wish to be seen by a student please inform a member of the reception team.