
30th Oct 2023

Prospective access to your online GP health record information

Most of our patients over 16 will soon be able to see new information added to their GP health record. This includes notes from your GP appointments, test results, medications, and letters from hospitals added to your gp record from 01 November 2023.

You can view this information via the NHS App, or another GP online app you may have chosen to use. If you don't want to see your GP record, please let a member of our team know. You can visit for more information or visit the online services section of our website for more information.

26th Oct 2022

Urgent Mental Health Support

Do you need urgent Mental Health Support? Call NHS 111 (Dial 111 and select option 2) at any time.

The 111 service is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

To understand more about what mental health support is available to you click the link below for further information.



Zero Tolerance for aggressive or abusive behaviour at our surgery
13th Apr 2022

Zero Tolerance

With the continued pressure that exists within the NHS, you will understand that Practice staff are exceptionally challenged to meet our patients’ demands.

All our staff want to provide the best possible care. With the unrelenting pressure, we sometimes cannot meet your specific wishes immediately.

As a result, we are seeing an increasing number of incidents when patients behave unreasonably towards our staff, causing considerable distress.

These behaviours must stop.

Any verbal or physical abuse, aggressive, offensive, intimidating, or disrespectful behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated.
We will follow our Zero Tolerance Policy and act when patients behave inappropriately.

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