
Men C

Are you aged between 17 – 25? Are you attending university or further education for the first time? Please speak to a receptionist as you may qualify for the Men C vaccination.

Seasonal Flu

Flu Leaflet

We will advertise when Flu Vaccinations are appropriate usually starting in September time each year.

You can often treat the flu without seeing your GP and you should begin to feel better in about one week. Please do not come to the surgeries if you think you have flu, call first.


Due to an outbreak of measles in recent years all patients who are aged 16 and over but NOT born before 1970 are eligible for 2 doses of MMR vaccine. Please speak to receptionist who will arrange an appointment for you to obtain the vaccine.


We are contacting all our patients who are aged 70-79 and who haven't already had their shingles vaccination, to remind them about the continuing National Shingles Immunisation Programme which was introduced by the Department of Health to protect those most at risk from shingles and its complications. The vaccine can be given regardless of a patient previously having had shingles. As the vaccine is a live vaccine, some patients are unable to receive the vaccine. There is an alternative vaccine available for the immunocompromised. Please discuss your eligibility with a member of our nursing team.